Privacy Policy

Welcome to the website “Uthletix” of Uth International GmbH (“Uth International GmbH” or “we”). Uthletix is a platform on which amateur and professional athletes (“Coaches”) are able of uploading educational videos (“Video”) created for our customers (“Users”) under their own responsibility and at their own expense.

Data protection has a high priority for us. We strictly comply with the legal provisions during the processing and respect your privacy. We process your personal data on the basis of the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz; “BDSG”) as well as all other relevant laws.

This privacy policy is to provide you with information about the processing of your personal data by Uth International and the rights you have under data protection law in compliance with Articles 15 to 22 GDPR.

1. Controller of the data processing

The controller for Uthletix is Uth International GmbH, In der Aue 22, 51143 Cologne, Germany.

2. Processing scenarios

2.1 You browse on Uthletix

2.1.1 Definition & purposes of processing personal data 

When you browse our website - based on the Internet protocol HTTPS - pages are requested from your device and transmitted to you by our web server. If necessary, a transmission of form data that you input may also occur. 

You do not have to register or identify yourself for this. However, the allocation of the requests and responses from our server is based on your IP address. These connection data and any form data are processed to enable you to surf on and to accomplish the purpose pursued by you in each case (e.g. retrieval of information about Uthletix, contacting, transmission of your data).

2.1.2 Legal basis for processing 

The legal basis for any processing of your data when you visit our website depends on the specific purpose of your visit:

If you visit Uthletix to initiate contracts with us (e.g. to create an account with us as a coach or user), the legal basis for the processing of your connection data is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR (initiation or performance of a contract).

In addition, the processing of your data is otherwise usually based on our legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest is to operate a website for advertising purposes and for general information and communication purposes and to present Uthletix.

2.1.3 Categories of recipients 

In general, the processing of your data is fully automated and exclusively on servers of our hosting provider. In some cases (e.g. for troubleshooting or investigation of possible attacks), log files are used by our IT service provider (hoster) for operational security and may be transferred to government authorities such as law enforcement authorities and courts for the purpose of investigating or prosecuting criminal attacks on our systems.

Potential recipients are IT service providers (e.g. for hosting) that we use as processors.

2.1.4 Storage duration 

Your log file data is stored for seven days. Connection data is deleted immediately after the HTTP/S request has been carried out.

2.1.5 Necessity of provision/consequences of not providing the data 

If you do not provide us with the above data, the use of Uthletix is not possible or may be limited.

2.2 Registration, creation and usage of a Coach Account

2.2.1 Definition & purposes of processing personal data

As a coach, you have the option to register at our website for the purpose of contract implementation and the use of our platform and to create an individual profile ("Coach Account"), on which you can upload videos of yourself that contain training exercises.

The following personal data of yours in particularly will be processed for the use of the Coach Account:

  • Name, first name
  • Contact data (e.g. e-mail address)
  • (Invoice) address
  • Bank account details
  • VAT identification number
  • Type of sport
  • Sports qualifications
  • Profile picture (optional)
  • Login data (username and password)
  • Videos uploaded by you and the personal data therein (e.g. video footage, voice).

If you provide us with your data, we will first use it to make a decision about your admission to Uthletix.

In case of a positive decision about admission on Uthletix, we will use your personal data to create, manage and provide you with your Coach Account.

We also use your data to appropriately promote your videos to users and display them as appropriate on Uthletix (e.g., by embedding them editorially or by linking them to other data about you, such as your profile picture).

We also use your personal data for payment processing (payment of participations in the charges paid by users to Uthletix) as well as for invoice processing according to the General Terms and Conditions Uthletix (Users) (“GTC”) accepted by you.

2.2.2 Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for processing your personal data is Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR (initiation or performance of a contract) and - if you have given your consent - Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR. Your consent can be withdrawn at any time with effect for the future.

2.2.3 Categories of recipients 

Your personal data will only be passed on within Uthletix to persons who are absolutely necessary for the execution of the contract.

In addition, your data may be transferred to our IT service providers for the purpose of initiating or concluding a contract. This includes, in particular, technical service providers who assist us with hosting.

If we process your data for the purpose of performing and processing a contract, possible recipients of your data are, for example, external entities and service providers (payment service providers, banks) with whom we cooperate for the performance and processing of payments).

2.2.4 Storage duration 

If we do not accept you as a Uthletix, we will delete your data immediately, unless this is in conflict with statutory retention periods.

In all other cases, your data specified in section 2.3.1 will be deleted when the processing is no longer necessary for the respective processing purpose, i.e. in particular for the performance of the contract with you (usually at the latest at the end of the contract) and expiry of any additional statutory retention periods (e.g. tax and social insurance regulations).

A prolonged retention may also take place if you have given a corresponding consent (Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR) or if statutory retention obligations prevent the deletion.

2.2.5 Necessity of provision/consequences of not providing the data

If you do not provide us with your personal data, you will unfortunately not be able to create a Coach Account with us or use Uthletix to its full extent as a coach.

2.3 Registration, creation and usage of a User Account

2.3.1 Definition & purposes of processing personal data 

If you are a user of Uthletix and wish to use our platform to access videos (for payment), we process your data by registering you with us and creating an individual profile ("User Account").

When you register and create a user account, we process the following personal data from you in detail:

  • Name, first name
  • Contact data (e.g. e-mail address)
  • Username
  • Information on preferred sports
  • Payment details (e.g. Paypal)
  • Information about the country of registration
  • Accessed videos and/or video history

We process your personal data in particular for the performance of the contract with you or for the fulfillment of your orders as well as for the administration of your User Account and the associated purchases of videos or retrievals of videos.

If you want to access a video, we also process your data for payment processing. For this purpose, the following data may also be processed by us and/or our payment service providers:

  • Name, first name
  • Adress
  • e-mail address
  • Phone number

In addition, we process your data to contact you, in particular for the purpose of performing the contract (e.g. information on purchased videos, invoicing) and for general contact, as necessary.

We also process your data to display suitable videos for you based on your specified preferred sports (e.g. videos from the area of soccer).

2.3.2 Legal basis for processing

We process your data in particular for the performance of the contract with you, Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR, for the fulfillment of legal obligations, Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR in association with the relevant statutory retention period (in particular § 257 German Commercial Code, § 147 German Fiscal Code). The processing of data about payment service providers also corresponds to our legitimate interest in offering an efficient and secure payment method (Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR).

2.3.3 Categories of recipients 

Your data will be processed by our internal departments as part of the processing of our business processes (e.g. accounting and departments responsible for processing).

In addition, your data may be transmitted to our service providers (Pixobytes GmbH) or providers for payment services (PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg) for the purpose of payment processing. PayPal may perform a credit check for various services (e.g. payment by credit card or direct debit) in order to verify your willingness and ability to pay. This corresponds to the legitimate interest of PayPal (Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR) and is used for the performance of the contract (according to Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR). For this purpose, your data will be forwarded by Paypal to credit agencies. We have no influence on this process. We only receive a message about whether the payment has been made or rejected or a check by Paypal is pending. You can find more information about objection and removal options vis-à-vis PayPal at:

2.3.4 Storage duration 

Your data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the initiation or performance of the contract with you and any statutory retention periods (e.g. tax and commercial accounting regulations, in particular § 257 German Commercial Code, § 147 German Fiscal Code) have expired.

Your data for the purpose of payment processing will be stored until the expiry of statutory retention periods and until the completion of a payment transaction or payment processing. This also includes any subsequent time periods for the processing of refunds and fraud prevention as well as for any claims management.

2.3.5 Necessity of provision/consequences of not providing the data 

The provision of the above data is necessary to perform the contract with you and to provide you with a User Account. If you do not provide us with the data specified in this section 2.3.1. for the purpose of payment processing, a payment and possibly contract processing are not possible.

2.4 Subscription and receipt of our newsletter

2.4.1 Definition & purposes of processing personal data

As a user, you have the possibility to subscribe to our Uthletix newsletter, which we use to inform you about news and offers that are of interest to you (e.g. videos or special offers that are relevant for you). By subscribing to the Uthletix newsletter, you agree that we may use the information you provide (contact information) and other information that may be stored about your account to send you personalized advertising and/or special offers and services from Uthletix. We need your contact information to provide you with the newsletter.

2.4.2 Legal basis for processing

The processing of your data for our newsletter is based on your consent (Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR). You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future, just as you can withdraw your consent to the sending of e-mails in accordance with Section 7 (2) No. 3 of the German Unfair Competition Act (Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb) (for further information, please see Section 3).

2.4.3 Categories of recipients

The internal departments at Uthletix are involved in the processing of your data as part of the management of business processes. In addition, we use service providers on a selective basis within the scope of processing (e.g. Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, 38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855, Luxembourg). Your data will not be transferred to other third parties.

2.4.4 Storage duration

Your data will be stored as long as you subscribe to the Uthletix newsletter. As soon as you withdraw your consent or unsubscribe from the Uthletix newsletter, we will delete your personal data.

2.4.5 Necessity of provision/consequences of not providing the data 

If you no longer wish to subscribe to the Uthletix newsletter, you can withdraw your consent at any time. A use of the “unsubscribe link” in the Uthletix newsletter or a message in text form to the contact details mentioned in the newsletter (e.g. e-mail, fax, letter) is sufficient for this.

2.5 Data processing for contacting us

2.5.1 Definition & purposes of processing personal data

If you contact us with a request (e.g. via our contact form or e-mail) or if we contact you, we will of course also process your personal data, e.g. name, first name, e-mail address, as well as the content of the communication for the purpose of conducting the exchange with you (“communication data”). We use this communication data in order to comply with your respective request. In addition, we store communication data in order to comply with any existing statutory retention periods.

2.5.2 Legal basis for processing

The processing of your data is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR, insofar as the exchange is related to the initiation or performance of a contract with you (e.g. to process video purchases made).

Otherwise, the legal basis depends on the specific purpose of the exchange, mostly Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR (our legitimate interest to conduct business correspondence and e.g. to answer inquiries of any kind and to fulfill your rights under Section 3) will be relevant.

Insofar as further processing is carried out to fulfill a legal retention period, the legal basis is. Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR in conjunction with the relevant statutory retention periods (in particular § 257 German Commercial Code, § 147 German Fiscal Code).

2.5.3 Categories of recipients

Communication data may be transmitted to the respective department responsible for your inquiry and, if necessary, to our service providers within the scope of order processing.

2.5.4 Storage duration

Communication data is deleted if it is no longer required for communication with you and any statutory retention periods have expired. This is usually the case for business correspondence six years after the end of the year in which it was received.

3. Rights of the data subject

If Uthletix processes your personal data, you have the following data subject rights to the respective legal extent:

  • Right of access in particular to stored data and processing purposes (Art. 15 GDPR);
  • Right to rectification of inaccurate or completion of incomplete data (Art. 16 GDPR);
  • Right to erasure data that is no longer required (Art. 17 GDPR);
  • Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR);
  • Right to object to processing (Art. 21 GDPR);
  • Right to data portability, provided that the processing is based on consent or is carried out for the performance of a contract or with the aid of automated procedures (Art. 20 GDPR), and
  • Withdrawal of consent given by you (Art. 7 (3) p. 1 GDPR).

Furthermore, you have the possibility to submit complaints to

  • or
  • the responsible supervisory authorities (for Uthletix: Landesbeauftragte/r für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit North Rhine-Westphalia, Kavalleriestr. 2-4, 40213 Düsseldorf, Germany, e-mail:

4. Contact

In order to comply with your legal rights and in case of questions regarding the processing of your data, also as far as it is carried out by Uthletix, you can contact us or our contact person for data protection in the way most convenient for you:

  • E-mail address:
  • By mail to: Uth International GmbH, In der Aue 22, 51143 Cologne, Germany

If you contact us with a data protection concern, we regularly process your personal data for the purpose of processing your request on the basis of Article 6 (1) lit. b GDPR (contract performance or initiation). In this case, personal data will be deleted insofar as they are no longer required to process your request and any statutory retention periods have expired.

5. Update of this privacy policy

This privacy policy was last updated on August 25, 2023.